
Mediterranean diet you need to know

The Mediterranean diet offers many health benefits

The Mediterranean diet offers many health benefits. With a preference for vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, and olive oil, it has been linked to reduced risk of heart disease, weight control, and improved mental health. Olive oil, unsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids from fish help improve the cardiovascular system. Foods rich in fiber support digestion and control blood sugar. The Mediterranean diet may also reduce inflammation and the risk of certain cancers. It’s not just a diet but a holistic lifestyle.

Remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle includes not only diet but also regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight.

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Here are the key features of the Mediterranean diet:

  1. **Main foods:**

– **Vegetables and fruits:** Consumed a lot, providing fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

– **Whole grains:** Like brown rice, oats, and whole grain rice noodles.

– **Olive oil:** Is the main source of fat, often used in cooking and marinating sauces.

– **Nuts and nuts:** Such as nuts, flaxseeds, nut oil, and walnuts.

  1. **Foods rich in protein:**

– **Fish and sea foods:** Especially salmon, chum, sardines, and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

– **Poultry:** Like chicken and duck.

– **Grains and soybeans:** Including beans, melons, and mushrooms.

The Mediterranean diet offers many health benefits
The Mediterranean diet offers many health benefits
  1. **Soybean foods:**

– **Soybean balls and tofu:** An important source of plant protein.

  1. **Adjust the amount of red meat:**

– **Red meat:** Usually only consumed in limited amounts, replaced with other protein sources.


  1. **Specialty foods:**

– **Cheese and yogurt:** Usually consumed sparingly and choosing sugar-free or low-fat varieties.


  1. **Red wine:**

– **Red wine:** Many people in the Mediterranean region often drink small amounts of red wine with meals. However, note that drinking alcohol should also be done responsibly and only when appropriate for personal health.


  1. **Physical activity:**

– **Regular physical activity:** The Mediterranean diet often comes with a lifestyle full of physical activity such as walking, cycling, and even gardening.

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